Active (and the Active membership scheme) is provided by the Government of Jersey (acting through the Minister for Infrastructure) and shall be taken to include successors ("Active", “we” or “us”)).
Active can be contacted at Springfield Stadium and Sports Centre, Janvrin Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4LF (the “Centre”), Tel (01534) 449888 or at
To help you get the best out of your membership and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read these terms and conditions carefully along with the 'Active Facilities Terms of Use'.
Once you have indicated your acceptance of these terms and conditions in the 'Customer Declaration' section of the application form and we have accepted your application, a contract will come into existence between you and us on these terms and conditions (as the same may be amended from time to time).
These terms and conditions (as amended) apply at all times and take priority in the case of ambiguity with any other document relating to your Active membership (including without limitation the ‘Active Facilities Terms of Use’).
Your start-up payments, membership type and associated lump-sum or current monthly Direct Debit membership fees are set out in the 'Contract Details' box of your application form. Subject to paragraph 46 below, your initial membership term is a fixed period of 12 months (the “Initial Term”), unless otherwise stated.
Your health and safety
- Your health is your responsibility. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. You should not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know, or are concerned, that you have a medical condition which might interfere with you exercising safely, before starting any exercise programme you should obtain and follow the advice of a medical professional as our staff, agents and subcontractors are not medically qualified.
- By becoming an Active member, you accept full responsibility for your own health and safety and that of any children linked to your membership.
- We provide online advance booking facilities for our members’ convenience. If you have pre-booked any of our activities or facilities but are unable to attend, you must cancel your booking at least 2 hours in advance of the appointed time. If you cancel less than 2 hours before your session starts your booking will not be refunded.
- We reserve the right to suspend or remove your booking rights if you regularly fail to attend your booked activities or fail to cancel your bookings within the time prescribed in paragraph 3 above. We also reserve the right to cancel your membership, without refund or notice, if you abuse your advance booking rights in any way.
- Personal trainers are self-employed and any services they or any third parties provide at our facilities are subject to separate agreements between you and them. Pricing and availability of personal training sessions or other third party services are set by, and at the discretion of, the personal trainer or third party in question. We are not liable or responsible for payments to, or services provided by, a personal trainer or third party. Arrangements for personal training and other third-party services must be made directly with the trainer or third party.
Access and guests
- Only you as the registered member may use your Active membership; it is not transferable to anyone else.
- You are entitled to bring guests to use our facilities, but they must pay to do so. We reserve the right to cancel your membership, without refund or notice, if you share your Active membership card or RFID tag with a non-member or knowingly allow any of your guests to access our facilities without making the appropriate payment.
- If you have forgotten or misplaced your membership card or RFID tag, you must notify the Active team so that they can arrange a replacement. This will be subject to a small fee.
Our facilities
- You must adhere to the relevant etiquette for using our facilities. Your obligations in this regard are signposted throughout the facilities and in the ‘Active Facilities Terms of Use’.
- All benefits of your Active membership including the type of facilities, equipment and activity programs are subject to change and availability. Except in the circumstances contemplated in paragraph 13 below, we will not refund membership fees if facilities, equipment and/or programs change or are unavailable for any reason.
11. During major events, or when building works or essential maintenance is required, our facilities may be closed. We will endeavour to provide at least 14 days’ notice of any planned closure of our core facilities (Gyms or Pools) and in these cases we will advise of any alternative facilities available for use during the period of disruption.
12. We shall not be liable for any inconvenience caused by building works or essential maintenance. For the avoidance of doubt, we will not refund membership fees, extend membership terms or add any additional freezing facility (see Membership Freeze below) if you choose not to use any alternative facilities offered during any period of disruption.
13. If, due to unplanned or urgent building works or maintenance requirements or due to an act of God or other reason beyond our control, we are unable to give at least 14 days’ notice of a major disruption which impacts our ability to offer core facilities (Gyms or Pools) for a period of 48 hours or more and we are unable to offer alternative facilities, a refund of a proportionate amount of your membership fee or an extension to your membership term for any time over and above the initial 48 hour period will be offered to you if you were directly impacted by the disruption.
14. The opening times of our facilities are published at and are available on request. Opening hours may be subject to change. We shall endeavour to give reasonable notice of any changes to our opening times.
Fees and charges
15. We offer a range of membership options to make our facilities as accessible as possible. Full details of current options, including prices, are available at
16. Once your membership application has been submitted and accepted, in person or online, you will have up to 14 days to cancel your Active membership without charge by giving us notice in writing provided that you have not used any of our facilities during this time. You can visit the Centre or email your notice to If, after this 14 day period, you are still a member the rest of these terms and conditions will continue to apply to you (even if you choose not to use our facilities).
17. The “Contract Details” box on your application form describes the way in which you have agreed to pay your membership fee for the Initial Term. This will either be by means of a one-off lump sum payment (an “Advance Payment”) or by monthly direct debit (“Direct Debit”).
18. By choosing to make an Advance Payment, you agree to pay your entire membership fee for the Initial Term on the commencement of your membership. The commencement of your membership is conditional upon our receipt of your Advance Payment.
19. By choosing a Direct Debit membership, you agree to pay your membership fee for the Initial Term by Direct Debit in 12 pro-rata consecutive monthly instalments. If you fail to do so for whatever reason, including if you cancel your membership before the end of the Initial Term, you will still be liable to pay all remaining monthly payments due to us for the rest of the Initial Term. Additionally, although we do not charge an administration fee for new memberships as standard, we reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £60 if you choose to rejoin after cancelling your membership within the Initial Term.
20. Direct Debit payments will be collected from your bank account within the first 10 working days of each calendar month. For new Direct Debit instructions, a pro-rata payment will be taken by cash or card for the period between your membership start date and the first expected Direct Debit collection.
21. If any Direct Debit instalment is not paid on the due date, we will suspend your use of our facilities and send an email to inform you. You will need to pay the full outstanding amount by card before you are able to use our facilities again. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee for each missed payment which will be collected at the same time.
22. We also reserve the right to refer any missed payments, including any future payments that are due to us as part of your contract with us (for example, payments you owe for the rest of the Initial Term), to the Treasurer of the States' Debts department for collection.
23. After the Initial Term:
(a) if you previously paid by Advance Payment we may agree to you changing to Direct Debit and vice versa. This will be subject to you and us completing the necessary documentation;
(b) if you pay your membership fee by Advance Payment, we will contact you to request your next Advance Payment before the end of your current membership term. Subject to us receiving your Advance Payment, your membership will then be renewed for the period to which the new Advance Payment relates (subject to the Cancellation Terms set out below);
(c) if you pay your membership fee by Direct Debit, provided you continue to make your Direct Debit payments your membership will be renewed automatically on a monthly rolling basis from the first day of each calendar month (subject to the Cancellation Terms set out below).
24. From time to time, we may increase the price of your Active membership. Prices are normally increased from 1st January each year. We endeavour to keep price increases to a minimum and any increases are subject to Government Treasury Policies for pricing of services.
25. We will give at least 10 working days' notice of any incoming price increase and will make it clear when the price increase will take effect and how much your membership will cost after the increase. During this period of notice you will have your usual right to terminate your membership in accordance with these terms and conditions (see Cancellation Terms below). If you do not terminate your membership by the date given to you in the notice, then the price of your membership will be increased in accordance with the notice.
26. We offer reduced membership rates for certain members. Details of our concessions can be found at
27. The Student/Youth monthly pass is only available if you are in full-time education and have a student ID card for the current academic year or are under the age of 19.
28. The Senior Citizen membership is only available if you receive a Jersey Social Security pension or are over the age of 65.
29. A Disability Concession is only available if you receive a long term incapacity allowance or any other recognised benefit linked to your disability.
30. If you wish to apply for any of our concessions, including where you are already an Active member and you become eligible for one of our concessions, you must provide us with appropriate documentation verifying your eligibility for the reduced rate. A concession will be granted in our sole discretion based on the documentation you provide.
31. Your eligibility for any of our concessions may be periodically reviewed and updated documents may be requested to verify your continued eligibility. If we determine that you are no longer eligible for one of our concessions, you will be charged our applicable standard membership rate.
Young Persons
32. If you are under the age of 16, your access to our facilities is subject to the Active Junior Training policy which has been designed with safety in mind, whilst making our facilities accessible. This policy is available on request.
Corporate Scheme
33. If you are an employee of a company which participates in our corporate membership scheme, you will be offered a discounted Active membership rate. This discounted rate will also apply to your partner or other nominated immediate family member if they are an Active member and linked to your account (a “Linked Member”).
34. If you are an employee of a company which participates in our corporate membership scheme on an Advance Payment basis and you leave their employment during the Initial Term, the corporate membership rate will continue to apply to you and your Linked Member until the end of the Initial Term.
35. If you are an employee of a company which participates in our corporate membership scheme on a Direct Debit basis and you leave their employment at any time, we will adjust your Direct Debit payments, and those for your Linked Member, to reflect the standard membership rate. This paragraph 35 applies unless you are subsequently a member of another corporate scheme or are otherwise eligible for another concessionary rate.
Cancellation Terms
36.These Cancellation Terms apply in all cases other than cancellation in accordance with paragraph 16 above.
37. Unless paragraph 40 below applies, nothing in these Cancellation Terms affects your obligation to pay your membership fee in full for the whole of the Initial Term.
38. If you pay by Direct Debit and wish to end your membership, you must always give us at least 3 working days’ notice in writing. You can visit the Centre or email your request to Provided that you have given at least 3 working days’ notice in writing, your membership will end on the last day of the calendar month in which we receive the notice (otherwise, it will end on the last day of the following calendar month). You are responsible for cancelling your Direct Debit payments but you must only do so when all amounts due to us under these terms and conditions have been paid in full.
39. If you cancel your membership, we will confirm by email that we have processed your cancellation request. Unless paragraph 40 applies, we will not part-refund any Advance Payment if you choose to cancel your membership part-way through your current membership term.
40. We are always happy to assess each case on its own merits. At our sole and absolute discretion, we may (but shall not be bound to) agree to end your membership during the Initial Term (and waive any remaining Direct Debit payments in respect of the Initial Term or agree to part-refund an Advance Payment), provided you have furnished us with evidence to our satisfaction that:
(a) you are suffering from a medical condition which means you are unable to use our facilities (this does not include pregnancy, but may include a medical condition that arises during pregnancy);
(b) you have lost your employment or been declared bankrupt;
(c) you are leaving Jersey and will no longer be resident in the island; or
(d) there has been a change in your personal circumstances, other than those listed above, which means that it is no longer reasonable for you to use our facilities.
41.If you apply for us to exercise our discretion under paragraph 40 during the Initial Term and you pay your membership fee by Direct Debit, you must continue to make your Direct Debit payments each month until you have provided suitable evidence of your change in circumstances and we have agreed to end your membership and waive any remaining Direct Debit payments in respect of the Initial Term.
Membership Freeze (Optional Temporary Suspension)
42. If you pay your membership fee by Direct Debit and need to take a temporary break for any reason you may be able to 'freeze' your membership for a reduced fee. Please check your eligibility with the Active team. Your membership benefits will not be available during any freeze period, including the free or reduced membership of any linked children and the advance booking privileges.
43.There are no freeze options for: Annual Advance; Corporate Advance; Corporate Direct Debit; 6 months advance memberships or monthly passes.
44. If you would like to freeze your membership, please submit a request in writing to or in person at the Centre. A minimum of 3 working days’ notice is required before the start of the calendar month when the freeze is due to take effect.
45. If approved, a freeze will take effect from the first day of the calendar month requested. Freezing is available on a whole calendar month basis only i.e. we cannot, for example, freeze memberships from the 15th day of one month to the 15th day of the next.
46. A monthly charge, as published at, will be applied in place of your Direct Debit payment for as long as your membership is frozen. Your membership will automatically be reactivated along with your obligation to pay the appropriate membership fee by Direct Debit once the freeze ends. Frozen months do not count towards the Initial Term which shall be extended by the number of months that are frozen during the first 12 months of your contract with us.
47. If you are eligible and we agree, you can suspend your membership for a minimum period of 1 calendar month and a maximum period of up to 6 calendar months in any 12 month period.
Changes to our Terms and Conditions
48. We may make reasonable changes to these terms and conditions at any time. If we do make changes that affect you, we will give you reasonable notice of the changes that we plan to make. If you are not satisfied with the changes and wish to cancel your membership, please refer to our Cancellation Terms.
Notwithstanding any other rights or remedies we may have, we reserve the right at all times to withdraw, without refund, your Active membership if you fail to comply with these terms and conditions or conduct yourself in a way which we regard in our sole discretion to be damaging, harmful, disrespectful or otherwise detrimental to our facilities, our staff or other Active members.
March 2025